Bad Credit Loans

What Constitutes Bad Credit?

Bad credit signifies a financial status marked by past difficulties such as missed payments on bills, credit cards, or mortgages. It also encompasses more serious issues like defaults, bankruptcy filings, or court judgments. These incidents leave negative marks on your credit file, influencing how lenders assess your loan applications.

Factors Considered in Bad Credit

Lenders evaluate several factors on your credit file to determine if you have bad credit:

Adverse Credit History

This includes defaults, bankruptcy, court judgments, writs, or a high number of credit inquiries. While these factors raise concerns, they don’t necessarily preclude you from obtaining a home loan.

Unpaid Debts

Outstanding bills such as council rates or tax obligations are taken into consideration, but can often be explained and resolved.

Mortgage Payment Delinquencies

Missing payments on your mortgage within the last six months may make lenders cautious.

Directorship of a Troubled Company

If you’re a director of a financially distressed company, it may impact how lenders view your personal financial management, although it doesn’t always reflect negatively on your personal credit history.

Debt Overcommitment

Holding excessive debts or having a negative net worth can concern lenders, yet options remain available to help you secure a home loan.

Accessing Home Loans with Bad Credit

Yes, it’s still possible to secure a home loan with bad credit. Non-bank lenders, also known as non-conforming specialist lenders, specialise in assisting individuals with imperfect credit histories. They assess applicants differently from traditional banks and offer tailored solutions.

Qualifying for a Home Loan with Bad Credit

Non-bank lenders take a flexible, case-by-case approach:

Individual Assessment

Each application is assessed based on your unique circumstances. Lenders consider your situation and strive to find a suitable financing solution.

Initial Risk Evaluation

You may initially be considered high risk, but thorough checks can lead to more favourable outcomes.

Addressing Credit Report Issues

If your bad credit results from errors on your credit report, solutions exist to rectify these issues. Partnering with reputable services can help resolve credit challenges, potentially improving your standing with mainstream lenders.


Experienced mortgage brokers, like those at PLS, play a crucial role in guiding borrowers through challenging credit situations. They offer insights into available options and assist in finding suitable home loan packages tailored to individual needs. With our expertise, borrowers can navigate the complexities of bad credit and move closer to achieving their homeownership goals.