Contact Paragon Lending Solutions

For a comprehensive assessment of your own unique circumstance, please leave your contact details below, or you could simply email or give us a call. We’ll promptly contact you to discuss how we can assist you with our services.

We are mobile finance brokers and we’ll endeavour to set appointment times at a location which will be most convenient to you.

Lenders are constantly bringing out promotional offers as well as updates to their lending policies and interest rates. We’ll be able to advise on borrowing capacity, appropriate products and what the best deal may be for your own circumstance.

Please be aware that the best deal for you may not necessarily be the best rate. The interest rate is only one basic indicator which does not take into account of loan features, other fees or other promotional offer which will alter the best rate substantially.

Contact us today to see how we can assist.

    Alternatively, please contact us directly via

    Phone: 02 8730 8392     Email: